Articles from our wind experts
Dutch SDE+ Subsidy application opens on the 2nd of October
On October 2nd, 2018 at 9am the application for the Dutch renewable energy, the SDE+ subsidy, will open again. As explained in our previous article on the SDE+ sheme, twice a year developers of renewable energy projects in the Netherlands have the opportunity to apply...

Safety Flash #1
The global wind industry has endured several fatalities. Incorrect use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been indicated as the root cause to many of these incidents. At Greensolver we believe that a good Health and Safety culture is an important part of...

Wind Index 2017
Production under expectations The wind index 2017 is a key indicator to compare the wind over the year that has just ended with the wind registered over the previous years. Assuming that: Production forecast selected in the financial model is consistent with the P50...
Particles counters: how to decrease wind turbine downtimes?
In France, 25% to 30% of the turbines are equipped with a gearbox, whose gears may deteriorate over time. Their maintenance is therefore more than crucial to mitigate downtimes, production & revenues losses. Benefits of a particles counter The wear of one of the...
Bats & wind energy
When developing a wind farm project, one criterion for the environmental acceptability concerns the avifauna impact study. Turbine positions are controlled not to be on migration corridors nor on local species’ hunting territory. In some cases, compensatory actions...
Remote solutions to measure wind
Wind turbines are getting higher and bigger every year. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult and costly to install a met mast high enough to have representative measurements of the wind conditions at hub height and all over the rotor plane – especially...
The best technical articles of 2017
Written by our experts, our technical articles aim to deliver independent & valuable insights on challenges faced by wind & solar assets. We have gathered in this newsletter the best of our articles published in 2017. Stay tuned, more are to come in 2018. If...
Strike actions in the energy sector: impacts on wind & solar farms
Started earlier in November the strike movements called by several French grid operators (Enedis, RTE, EDF, GRDF) should continue in December and may have some consequences on wind & solar parks production. Strikes actions are conducted on a national level and...
Wind farm: blade’s leading edges erosion
As its name suggests, the leading edge is the blade’s part which enters first in contact with the wind. Therefore, it is naturally the most vulnerable part towards environment’s stress. Every wind turbine located in an environment that includes abrasive particles like...
SDE+ Autumn 2017 – Greensolver forecast
Since 2008 about 29,500 projects have been rewarded with subsidy allowing The Netherlands to develop its capacity in terms of renewable energy production. With the 2020 objectives getting closer, rounds of SDE+ have become larger and budget have been increased by 33%...