Scaldia solar farm: work in progress!

Scaldia solar farm: work in progress!

Greensolver is involved for a few months now, in the construction of the biggest solar PV plant of the Netherlands, Scaldia, based in the province of Zeeland. Expected to reach a capacity of 55MW we have been retained to supervise the construction and provide an HSE...

The best technical articles of 2017

Written by our experts, our technical articles aim to deliver independent & valuable insights on challenges faced by wind & solar assets. We have gathered in this newsletter the best of our articles published in 2017. Stay tuned, more are to come in 2018. If...

Micromorph solar pannels

The Solar PV industry is full of innovation, in this article, Greensolver’s experts explore the benefits of micromorph solar panels. Micromorph modules are made of an upper layer of amorphous silicon & a microcrystalline layer at the bottom – see picture. The...

Snow and solar photovoltaic panels

We often tend to think that solar panels need direct radiation from the sun to work efficiently. Yet, it is not necessarily the case. Indeed, electricity can still be produced as long as the sunlight, direct of reflected, reaches them in sufficient quantity/intensity....