
SDE+ Autumn 2017 – Candidacy results

Opened early October, SDE+ scheme opening hours are now closed. Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate has published candidacy results. Analysis by our experts in this article.

For this round of SDE+ 5,783 applications has been submitted for a total budget of € 9.9 billion, and are currently under careful review for technical, financial & economic feasibility. Indeed, budget commitment implies that only a budget of €6 billion is to be allocated, not all projects will be able to be granted with a subsidy, but the amount of applications, demonstrate the renewable sector’s dynamic & growth.

The autumn round SDE + 2017 is open in three phases. Due to the eligibility of the categories with a low cost (basic amount), the same budget will generate more renewable energy production. The figure below shows the progress of the requested budget per phase.

Based on technology neutrality, the budget share between renewable energy sources is not known in advance. This system ensures competition between technologies and an as low as possible price of energy transition.

This round was divided into 3 different phases based on a price per kWh, and the results are as below:

The chart below gives an accurate overview of the applications received by category, including budget claim & MW.

Applications SDE+ autumn 2017:

Our analysis:
Given the previous round of SDE+ and budget granted to various technologies, we think that not all the PV projects will be granted with subsidy. It is a good sign that many initiatives are being requested. The initiator shows that they are willing to start up many projects, now it is time for the government to follow, as it’s only by increasing the budget that the Netherlands will be able to reach Paris’s agreement objective. We hope that next year more SDE+ subsidy will be available so more PV projects can be achieved.